ADHD Basic Assessment.

Ages 6+

This assessment involves reviewing attention, impulse control, behaviour and executive functioning as well as other challenges characteristic of ADHD.

This basic assessment package is standard if there is relatively simple context with little to no complicating factors. If there are lot of complicating factors obscuring the child’s difficulties, we strongly recommend the Comprehensive ADHD assessment.

What does our typical Basic ADHD assessment involve?

For further details on the process and how to get started, you can download our information pack here

The Cost.

The Basic ADHD assessment package price is $850*

Package inclusions.

Observation appointment 60 min

Additional information 60 min

Feedback appointment 60 min

Short diagnostic report 60 min





Did you know?

A basic ADHD assessment can be included within our ASD or Educational assessments ($1,900), at no extra cost! Please let us know if the combined assessment is something you need.

More on the diagnostic report.

You will receive a short diagnostic report at the conclusion of the assessment, providing details of observations, results of checklists and the diagnostic opinion.

This report can be provided to your paediatrician and G.P. as confirmation of diagnosis (if one is made) to discuss options for further treatment. It can be provided to your child’s school so that they are aware of any diagnoses that may be present and can adapt their teaching approach to suit your child’s needs. It would also be beneficial to provide it to any allied health practitioners e.g. Speech Pathologist, Occupational Therapist or Psychologist, that your child works with.

A note on package fees & inclusions.

* Package price for assessment booked from 1st August 2024 onwards

It’s important to us that we can be transparent with assessment costs upfront. In most cases, everything required for the assessment is covered by components that are included in the package. There may, however, be some cases where particular areas may arise or be highlighted during the assessment process, that were not originally presenting for investigation. The Psychologist may wish to suggest some further testing or assessments to thoroughly cover these additional areas. If this is the case, the recommendations will be made to you, as well as the potential additional fees (if any) and you can decide if you wish to proceed with these additions or not.

All prices quoted are inclusive of GST.

Click HERE for further details on fees and payments.